Thursday, July 28, 2011

What you need to know about MOM and DAD, NOW!

Q. Do you know which medications your parents take?
A. Nearly half of adult children cannot name even one medication that their parents take.

This fact is alarming considering a majority of those same children say they expect to become the caregivers and/or decision makers for those same aging parents. Taking medications is complex and involves timing, watching for interaction and effectiveness.
Prevent stress and uncertainty now by finding out what medications your senior loved ones are taking.
Here are some planning tips to help you be an advocate for your parents’ medication management:
• Sit down with your parents and have a conversation about what medications they take, including vitamins and supplements. Have all the medications in front of you while you are talking.
• Have multiple copies of this sheet available in several safe places and share it with doctors, dentists, specialists and other caregivers.
• Accompany them on doctor visits and make sure that current prescriptions are still necessary. Update their medication tracker sheets often.

Brought to you by your friends at The Harbor Court. Our nurses are here to help you understand the complexities and simplify the process of managing your parents’ medications.

--At The Harbor Court our medication management program includes a Pharmacy and Nursing Staff that double checks all residents’ medications for drug interactions, allergies and duplicated medications. We also manage all lab work associated with these prescriptions.

Our nurses are here to help you understand the complexities and simplify the process of managing your parents’ medication schedule.

To download a free copy of our Medication Information Worksheet, visit our websites at